Post-Holiday Fitness Ideas

So a little too much beer and a lot too much BBQ or Easter ham and perhaps even a few boiled eggs and candy sneaked from the kids and the old gut is a bit bigger than it was before the holiday. If the Easter holiday took your fitness goals off track, there is a way to get back on track without too much effort.

Fitness Goal No. 1: Join a Gym

Join a gym – go on, do it! Find a local gym with hours that fit your schedule, and join up for at least a month. Rates are usually inexpensive.

Fitness Goal No. 2: Go to the Gym

Hey, can’t expect to lose weight and stay in shape to get rid of that gut if you only carry around the gym membership in your wallet. You do actually have to go to the gym to get in shape!

Fitness Goal No. 3: Jog or Run

Nothing can wake you up like getting up in the morning for a brisk jog or a run to work off the big meal from the night before. If you can’t find the time or energy to jog or run before work, consider parking farther away from the front door and taking the stairs where possible.

Fitness Goal No. 4: Lay off the Booze

Getting in shape and staying fit is easier when alcohol is not involved, so particularly after the big Easter holiday meal, leave the beer in the fridge until you work off the glazed ham.

Fitness Goal No. 5: Eat Less

For a short time after the holiday, lay off the carbs, cut down on the fatty protein and eat a bit more rabbit food: vegetables! Cutting back on the little things like butter, oils and sugars can make a huge difference.

Staying fit and not packing on pounds during the holidays isn’t always easy, but these simple five steps, followed for a few weeks, can help you get back into your pre-holiday fitness condition. Of course, you can always just lay off the junk during the holiday, too.