All-Natural Yeast Infection Treatments

Treat Yeast Overgrowth Without Messy Creams

Itching, burning, stinging, the smell of beer or bread, white lumpy discharges on the skin or other areas all can be the sign of yeast infection. Learn how to treat it naturally.

Itching, burning, stinging, the smell of beer or bread, white lumpy discharges on the skin or other areas all can be the sign of yeast infection. If you’ve ever had a vaginal yeast infection, you know how uncomfortable they can be. Yeast can become aggressive and have overgrowth in lots of places on your body though, and that includes men’s bodies too.

Of course, the most common places for yeast overgrowth are any areas that are warmer than usual, moist or that can get sweaty or dirty easier, such as underarms/armpits, under the breasts, vagina or anal area, in between the legs, along the waistline, in between the toes, or anywhere else where the skin might fold or stay moist from sweat longer than usual.

If you have never had a yeast infection before and suspect you might have one, it’s best to consult your doctor first. It’s important to recognize what a yeast infection really is to ensure you’re treating it properly. There are other types of infections one can have that are similar to yeast infections, but they won’t respond to the yeast infection treatments.

Once you know what a yeast infection is, and you’re certain you have one, there are some all-natural ways to treat and prevent yeast infections.

All-Natural Yeast Infection Prevention

Let’s start with prevention, because it’s always easier to never get a yeast infection than it is to have to treat and fight one. Also, keep in mind, antibiotic treatment without using probiotics too can sometimes lead to a yeast infection.

Our bodies are more acid than base, and in particular, the areas of the body where yeast might overgrow, acid can be beneficial in fighting yeast overgrowth. The problem with this is that most soaps are a base, and that base soap washes away the Ph balance of the skin or the vagina (which is particularly acidic).

Using a Ph neutral (Cetaphil, Hibiclens) or acid-based cleanser (Neutrogena Body Clear, Glycolic Acid Body Wash) in these areas can make it harder for yeast to grow, without washing away the good bacteria our bodies have-that natural fauna on our skin-that protects us from infection. Also, try not to scrub too hard or wash too frequently. A shower a day is more than enough for most people, and scrubbing the delicate vaginal area can actually lead to infection more than prevent it. A gentle cleansing and rinse is preferred for any part of the body where yeast might flourish.

All-Natural Yeast Infection Treatment

To help starve out the yeast overgrowth and also to recreate the acidic nature of the skin and restore the Ph balance, using apple cider vinegar in your soap or body wash can help. For stubborn areas where infection is already showing and there is itching, redness or smell, apply the apple cider vinegar directly to the skin and rash.

For the vaginal area, a light douche of apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp to 8 ounces of warm, distilled water, is enough to help restore acidity to the vagina and vaginal area and will also soothe the itching and burning sensation. Do this twice per day for about three or four days to get full relief. Using a sprayer or a cotton ball or wash cloth soaked in vinegar, dripping or spraying the outer vaginal area with apple cider vinegar can also help. The same goes for under the breasts, at the fold of the legs, or anywhere else where yeast infection might be causing a red rash and itchiness.

If the treatment with apple cider vinegar doesn’t work, it’s time to see the doctor, but it can’t hurt to give it a try first, to treat more naturally and avoid expensive and messy creams.